
Practice Areas

Traffic Engineering & Operations

Traffic Engineering is a specialized field within Civil Engineering that combines the hard sciences with sociology and art. A traffic engineer must be able to combine analytical techniques based on the scientific method with intuition to predict human driving behavior which often defies logic and “common sense”. Decades of experience working in the field has allowed LTG to grow into a highly trained and specialized team capable of addressing complex problems. LTG has a long history of traffic operations projects, including signalization, signal design modifications, turn lane improvements, pedestrian safety improvements, and more.

Transportation Planning

Transportation Planning is an all-encompassing term that covers types of work ranging from small traffic impact studies to mid-size neighborhood traffic flow studies, to multi-jurisdictional urban area transportation modeling studies. The diversity of transportation planning services requires a thorough knowledge of travel behavior, industry standards, and travel analysis processes. LTG maintains an extensive technical library of documents and state-of-the-art software including micro and macro travel simulation platforms, and all levels of analysis software.

Roadway Design

Roadway design involves the development of detailed plans necessary to construct roadway improvements. This includes Major highway (four and six lane urban and rural reconstruction and widening projects) and minor roadway improvements (resurfacing, safety, and intersection improvements, turn lane additions and design of minor roadways and streets), as well as, shared use recreational paths, pedestrian facilities and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements and compliance evaluations. Design efforts include development of horizontal and vertical geometrics, urban storm sewer, rural drainage systems and retention ponds, signing and pavement markings, traffic signal design, preparation of construction plans and related bid documents, cost estimates, utility planning and coordination and construction supervision and inspection. It may include water and sewer design when necessary.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

ITS brings cutting edge technological developments to provide solutions to some of the most difficult traffic engineering and transportation planning challenges. The implementation of ITS has allowed traffic engineers, maintaining agencies, and stakeholders the opportunity to collect, categorize, and analyze new and diverse methods of data collection. ITS also allows operators to act upon real-time information by utilizing technologies to alter driver behavior.


Staff has delivered several lighting projects for clients including the Florida Turnpike Enterprise and the Florida Department of Transportation. LTG employs the AGI32 photometric design software to provide full 3-dimensional polygonal analyses for a variety of different applications, including roadway, decorative, and pedestrian treatments.